Sunday, March 6, 2011


Due to Chinese New Year and also mummy giving birth to my little brother, mummy hasnt updated my blog for quite a while...

Here are some of my recent pictures:

1. One day, daddy and mummy are trying to get something from the storage under the mattress and so they move the mattress to one side of the bed forming a slope. Then I found that it's fun to play and roll on the mattress/slope... I can slide and roll from one side of the mattress to another side. I asked daddy to spoil me, move the mattress and let me play on that again on other nights....very crazy...

(2) Playing with glasses...
(see the apples in my mouth?? yucky! haha)

(3) Interacting with my little brother...

The Arrival of my little brother~

By comparing the 2 pictures, could you tell which one is me and which one is my brother Martin?
And if people dont know I have a brother, would they think the 2 photos are of the same baby? haha

Answer: the first photo is me and the second picture is Martin!